The Dangers of DIY Tree Removal You Should Know About

Did you know that tree removal is one of the most dangerous and labor-intensive jobs out there? While cutting down a tree seems like a straightforward process, it’s not something that anyone could do. Tree removal requires careful planning, specialized equipment, and a great deal of knowledge to ensure a smooth and safe operation. 

Homeowners who attempt DIY tree removal put themselves at risk of injuries and damage to their property. DIY tree removal isn’t worth the risk, and it will likely cause more harm than good. This blog post explores the dangers of cutting down trees by yourself and why you should get a professional to perform the job instead.

Injuries to Yourself

When you are not an expert in tree cutting techniques and dangerous tools, you can be seriously injured or killed. You can either get hurt by the tree itself or the tools and equipment you use for the job. Some of the common tree cutting accidents include the following:

  • Eye Injuries
  • Bee Stings
  • Scrapes
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Paralysis and Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Cuts or Serious Lacerations
  • Amputations
  • Impact Injuries

Injuries to Others and Passersby

Tree cutting accidents can also affect pedestrians walking nearby or anyone near the work area. Passersby can incur serious injuries by falling branches and limbs. You might be liable to pay damages to the injured victims in case a tree-cutting accident happens. It’s better to hire professional tree services because they follow safety guidelines and properly secure the work area. They will also ensure that bystanders are at a safe distance.


Climbing a ladder is important in cutting down branches or pieces of the tree. Falls are one of the most common tree-cutting accidents because a lot of people lose their balance and suffer serious injuries. Such incidents are either caused by misplacement of ladders on uneven ground or using the wrong type of ladder. 

Tree removal is hard because it requires you to work on a level. If you are afraid of heights or a limb falls in your direction, the worst is about to go down. Always ensure that safety lines and harnessing are connected especially when handling heavy equipment like a chainsaw. 

Improper Tools

Heavy equipment like chainsaws, pruners, or axes is needed to be able to cut or trim large tree branches. Using faulty tools can put you at risk of injury and cause serious accidents. 

When cutting down a tree, you should make sure the equipment is in great condition. Tree care tools are very easy to lose control of when mishandled. Avoid an unwanted trip to the hospital by using proper equipment and wearing proper safety gear, such as harnesses, hard hats, safety glasses, rubber gloves, and more.

Lack of Knowledge or Experience

Safely cutting down a tree requires knowledge about tree physics or biology. You can’t just aimlessly remove branches with your ax or chain saw. You need to make precise calculations to avoid the tree from falling in the wrong direction. Lack of experience and expertise in tree cutting can lead to accidents and risk damage to others and your property. 

Human errors due to poor judgment will likely happen during DIY tree removal because homeowners are not properly trained to perform the job.


As we all know, Earth’s gravity makes everything fall toward the planet’s center. Once a tree starts to fall, you no longer have control over where it will drop unless you are a professional. There is still a high risk of tree limbs falling and causing damage even if you use a pulley system and ropes to get the safety to the ground. If you don’t want to get injured by falling heavy limbs, you should think twice about DIY tree removal. Consider hiring a professional instead.

Dangerous Branches and Debris

There will be loose branches that will fall when the tree comes down. Dead or dying trees can be unstable and unpredictable, making them dangerous to anyone near the tree. These loose limbs and debris may hurt you and other people on the ground. Aside from this, there are chances of property and car damage. Tree trimming and pruning are used to remove dead branches and promote healthy growth. 

Property Damage

Tree removal done by homeowners without experience can cause property damage. Falling limbs can harm your cars, house, or your neighbor’s property. Repairing these damages can be pretty expensive, especially if you don’t have insurance coverage.

Moreover, you need to face a big pile of debris after a tree is removed. There will be a big stump, logs, and a lot of chippings to clean and haul away. Avoid all these hassles by hiring a professional for tree removal and debris cleanup.

Decaying Wood

Internal decay is a common reason for tree removal. Trees with decaying wood patches are more unstable and likely to collapse quickly and unexpectedly. It needs to be removed immediately because it might suddenly lose its branches, making this a safety issue. 

You won’t be able to identify the degree of decay, so it’s best to hire a professional to do it. Before anything bad happens, you need someone who can deliver emergency tree service to handle your tree that is already rotting.

It’s Better Leave Tree Removal to the Pros

With so many risks involved with tree removal, it’s best to get help from the experts. Tree Removal Lancaster has the experience, skills, and right tools for all your tree removal needs. We will assess your tree, remove your tree safely, and keep you and your property safe from the many dangers of tree removal. Count on us for professional tree services in Lancaster, PA. Drop the pruner and hand saw and let the professionals handle the job for you!